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That divides to around 4.2 million Wii Sports users whose gaming has been tracked by the channel. Since almost all Wii Sports owners in North America would be Wii users, we will venture that as many as 4.2 million people have contributed stats. That is up replica Chopard 27/8294-23 Ladie's watch from the 4.1 million people when these numbers were run for November 9. (Please not that in the chart atop this post October 09 data is not included due to a problem with Nintendo's data reporting during that period.)”Today's Talk Amongst Yourselves has been Bob Rossified. Make your own happy accidents and/or comment here about video games.Thanks to Orbitofglass for today's image.

Submit yours to TAYpics.”The Microsoft Store is like a Bizarro World version of an Apple Store.Where Apple is stark, a single room of chrome and white, Microsoft is meant to be warm, a single room of earth tones and wood. Where Apple has more than 300 locations world wide, Microsoft has just seven.During a recent visit to Microsoft's Lone replica Chopard 278945-21 Ladie's watch Tree, Colorado location, though I noted a lot of philosophical similarities between the two company stores.The Lone Tree store is located on the top floor of the trendy Park Meadows Mall, a collection of stores located in a vast building of exposed wood beams, monumental fireplaces and park-like springs.

 Like an Apple Store, the Microsoft Store is one giant room with very little in the way of an uninterrupted view of everything going on. The store I visited seemed to be divided into several key areas, one for Windows 7 Phones and the Zune, one for  replica Chopard 27/8238-23 Ladie's watch laptops, one for software. The largest section, stretching from the front of the store to its distant back wall, is dedicated to the Xbox 360 and its games. That includes a half dozen play stations and two Kinect areas.In a store so packed with technology and gaming, the absence of anything Apple, Nintendo or Playstation is almost unsettling.

